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Lawns 101: The 10 Best Practices for Healthy Lawns and Water

Lawns 101: The 10 Best Practices for Healthy Lawns and Water

(ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND) – Ah, spring. The air is crisp, the birds are singing, the daffodils are blooming and your lawn … well, your lawn looks like a swamp. This calls for a trip to a “big box” store, and a big bag of fertilizer, right? Not so fast, cautions Secretary...
Eight Truths About the Dairy Industry

Eight Truths About the Dairy Industry

A gallon of milk. It’s a simple thing that’s found in most of our fridges. And, whether you choose whole, skim or 1- or 2-percent, we’ve got some dairy truths for you. 1. You can tell a lot from a cow’s name. “Cows are all named the same way: First the name of...