Fall’s here! You may not miss the dog days of summer. But what you might miss is fresh produce from your local farmers or your own garden. Hopefully, you were able to stock up on your favorites before the end of the season. So, what can you do with your surplus of...
(POOLESVILLE, MARYLAND) – October 2017 – As he turned the key of his combine, the big engine turned over and started to hum. That’s when Maryland farmer Eric Spates breathed a sigh of relief. In July, when he was harvesting oats, the combine had gotten clogged. Once...
(QUEENSTOWN, MARYLAND) – The spark that helped ignite a nationwide revolution in modern farming practices was discovered growing near a pear tree in Queenstown, Md. That’s where the first glyphosate tolerant soybean emerged from a small plot of plants, all of which...